Our business

We invest in real estate in East Germany

We buy real estate from companies or private individuals throughout East Germany. We act as an investor who not only buys the property, but also revitalizes it in a sustainable and value-enhancing way.

As a real estate investor, we are primarily looking for:

  • Residential houses or residential complexes
  • Office and commercial buildings
  • Industrial properties for production and logistics
  • Properties for trade and commerce
  • Properties for the hotel industry

Investing in real estate – cities with a wealth of culture in East Germany

The focus of our real estate investment is on East Germany. We want to strengthen this region sustainable by revitalizing properties or entire districts. This is why we consciously seek cities with a wealth of culture and a long history, such as Gotha, Jena, Weimar, Schwerin, Potsdam, but also Dresden, Erfurt, Berlin, Leipzig and Magdeburg.

We also invest in your property

As experts with an affiliated partner network of architects, construction companies or estate agents, we recognize the potential of your property and want to exploit it through comprehensive revitalization measures. That is why we initiate measures that go beyond the mere renovation of the property. These can involve restructuring the property, an extension or other fundamental changes.

The aim of the revitalization is to develop the property and significantly increase its value, but also to positively influence the urban landscape. After that, we can add or resell the Property ourselves into our Inventory. We always consider the long-term and sustainability.

If you have any questions about reference properties, please do not hesitate to contact us directly!


7 + 12 =

Dresdner Real Estate Investment Holding GmbH

Altmarkt 10 D

01067 Dresden

+49 351 888800
