Ideal for family offices, pension funds and private investors

Co-investments - real estate investments

It is no longer a secret that real estate is also suitable as an investment property. Family offices, pension funds or wealthy private investors in particular benefit from the advantages of such co-investments. As a real estate strategist and specialist in the field of real estate investments, we look forward to your inquiries and will be happy to advise you on the subject of “co-investments”.

Benefits of investing in real estate as a low-risk form of investment

Real estate investments have clear advantages:

1. The value of a property does not depend on inflation or stock market transactions.

2. Real estate investments are among the safest forms of investment. Profits can be predicted fairly accurately, since, for example, the development of rent is more predictable than that of stock market prices.

3. The current strong growth in demand for residential space and office complexes makes real estate investments extremely attractive.

Co-investments minimize the cost of individual real estate investments

With co-investments, you don’t buy an entire property on your own, you participate by buying an agreed percentage of a property. Choose us as your partner and benefit from the following advantages:

  • Fast and uncomplicated: You can co-invest safely and profitably in real estate from as little as 250,000 Euro without in-depth knowledge of the real estate industry.
  • Little effort for you: CEO Dresdner Real Estate Investment Holding GmbH takes care of market analysis, finding suitable properties, handling offers, revitalisation and sale.
  • Low maintenance costs: The maintenance costs are not borne by individual investors, but are distributed among the co-investors.
  • Low-risk investment: Co-investors are not only tied to one property, but can also co-invest in several promising properties with less risk.
  • Full service: As a co-investor, you do not have to take care of the property yourself, but entrust it to a professional manager from our company.

Club deals – Co-investments with several investors

Recently, family offices in particular have increasingly focused on so-called club deals – a form of investment in which several persons or communities of persons join forces and acquire a property together. This is due to the fact that the German real estate market is classified as very stable and that the demand for club deals, especially from abroad, has increased in recent years.

The benefits of a club deal:

  • High-priced residential complexes and commercial complexes can be acquired by wealthy private investors and also by family offices.
  • Higher returns, as risks are minimized by the diversification of capital.
  • Investors jointly agree on the timing and terms of the sale. Sudden emergency sales below the actual value of the property are eliminated.

What became of available capital invested about 20 Years ago?


Savings Stocking


Real estate


DAX shares



If you would like to find out more about co-investments as an investment strategy, please make an appointment with us.


1 + 1 =

Dresdner Real Estate Investment Holding GmbH

Altmarkt 10 D

01067 Dresden

+49 351 888800
